Amazing Science Rainbow Worms
Amazing Science Rainbow Worms : Create slimy, gooey Rainbow worms instantly! The moment the worm goo is added to the activator solution, worms Rainbow worms magically appear.
$13.95 -
Amazing Science Cylinder Science
Amazing Science Cylinder Science: Use a scientists experimental tool, a graduated cylinder, to dive into the bubbling, fizzing, foaming world of science.
$13.95 -
Amazing Science Just Add Water
Amazing Science Just Add Water : Liquids can not flow uphill and even disappear, can they? With this amazing science kit..
$13.95 -
Amazing Super Snow Powder in a Box
Amazing Super Snow Powder is a snow polymer that actually erupts before your eyes! No stirring is required. Just add water and watch it expand into snow in seconds.
$21.95 -
Sick Science Color Chem
Sick Science Color Chem Amaze your eyes and your mind with the simple yet magnificent powers of chemistry…