ScienceWiz Light: This kit has over 25 experiments. Split light into a cascade of rainbows, make a kaleidoscope, microscope and telescope, mould lenses, capture a shadow, box a camera, diffract with feathers, play the I Spy game with mirrors and solve a filter puzzle – all in with one kit. WOW!
Step-by-step instructions lead a child successfully through each activity. The full-colour illustrations present central scientific concepts which allow children to discover the “why” as well as the “how” of these great projects. Bring the fun and learning further by utilizing the animations that compliment the book on the ScienceWiz website to deepen and extend comprehension.
Our line of science kits stemmed from Dr Penny Norman’s volunteer work teaching science in her children’s elementary schools and her ScienceWiz after school and summer programs. With initial development supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Franklin Foundation, each of our kits is created with the goal of teaching fundamental scientific concepts to children through hands-on play.
This ScienceWiz Light Kit has won 2 awards – National Parenting Magazine Award & Creative Child Magazine Award.
It is a Science book with experiment materials. It will enable you to conduct tests and experiments to help you understand the facts of science in an interesting manner.
How does science toys add value to the kids learning?
Learn about the fundamentals of Light- lenses, reflection, refraction, microscopes, telescopes, cameras and speed limit of the universe through 25 visual illustrations and activities such as:
Make a kaleidoscope
Make a telescope & kids microscope
Mould lenses
Construct a pinhole camera
Split light into a cascade of rainbows
Bounce, bend and blend light
Diffract with feathers
Play the “I Spy” game with mirrors
Solve filter puzzles
Ann Einstein, editor of M.A.T. says,“ I combined the projects in this kit with the ongoing art lessons, thus blending the topics. The book was extremely useful because children could do the science projects independently or in small groups. I would set the book out on a table with the selected materials for that day’s lesson. The autonomy sets children free to make their own discoveries and have fun while internalizing the concepts.”
Recommended Age
Age: 6+