Slither Bot: A snake to be assembled that comes to life and starts crawling sinuously around the room as if it were real! A robot that moves in space, for an unrivalled play experience.
The snake, an animal that has always fascinated people because of the fear it inspires, turns into a robot that moves as if it were real. The ideal of stem education promotes not only skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, higher-order thinking, design, and inference, manual skills, logical abilities and imagination.
Learn and experiment with Science toys.
A robot inspired by the animal world that introduces children to robotics in a fun and intelligent way. It faithfully replicate the sinuous movement of the snake, arousing the child’s amazement. An exclusive and engaging experience that allows the child to interact with the assembled construction, making the game’s progress fun for children and adults alike.
A 40 cm-long snake for making the interaction even more fun. After attaching the 12 upper segments to the lower segments, simply switch the robot on to see it move and let the adventure start. The motor has a reducer that makes the connecting rod move once to the right and once to the left. In this way, the animal moves forward smoothly with a sinuous and realistic movement.
Once it has been switched on, the robot will start moving around the child and reaching into small spaces and corners, like a real snake. You will not resist playing terrible jokes with friends!
The Robotic toy structure recreates some perfectly realistic coils, just like those of a real snake.
Recommended Age
Suitable gift for children from age 8 years and above
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