Static Shocker Science Kit: Learn about Static Electricity with Magnoidz ‘Static Shocker’ experiment. Another great addition to the Magnoidz Science Kit range, the ‘Static Shocker’ kit provides a fun learning experience about static electricity. The kit comes with an Educational Resource booklet that outlines each experiment and is packed with fun facts about electricity! Discover the differences between the properties of electricity including positive and negative charges. Understand where static electricity is found in everyday life and where it can build up and discharge! The kit even covers facts about the most powerful display of electrostatics in nature – Lightning!
This electrical experimentation science kit contains instructions for 6 experiments including
Experiment 1: Create static electricity
Experiment 2: Cause interesting phenomena using familiar objects
Experiment 3: Light a fluorescent tube (bulb)
Experiment 4: Attract an empty can
Experiment 5: Bend a stream of water
Experiment 6: Become a path for electricity
Features Instruction and Educational Resource booklet.
Give your child a cognitive workout with Magnoidz Science Kits! Learn about Static Electricity with Magnoidz’s’ Static Shocker’ experiment.
Here Are Some Role Play Ideas, Let Your Child Explore!
Are you a parent of a little cutie? If yes, you might be surrounded by some mind-boggling questions, like how parents can engage kids in a meaningful way and How to keep kids engaged with educational toys. Well, you have to focus on the basic routine of your kids. One such activity is that they […]Read More
Recommended Age
Age: 6+
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