Torpedo Magnets: No ordinary magnets. Toss’em up in the air together and these powerful hematite magnets will rattle and hum! You’ll be captivated by the curious buzzing mid-air dance that is caused by the continual attraction and repulsion forces between them, and their olive-like shape. Use them as a stress-relieving play toy or a finger fidget thing – they are so enthralling you’ll forget your worries, your work and everything else in between. Also great to use in the classroom in a magnet unit, ask: why do they make a noise?
When these magnets connect together they vibrate making an unusual sound, almost like they’re singing magnets. Their poles align through their narrow shapes. To make them sing hold them in the palm of one hand, then, using your thumb, separate them to about a half-inch apart. After a little bit of practice, when you toss them upward they will produce a wild sound. You might find it easier to hold one in each hand before tossing them up close together. Try, putting the narrow ends of the magnets together on a table or desk, let go and see what happens. Or try spinning them across the desk. Warning, however, this can be really loud! The magnetic tricks you can do with these are limited only by your imagination!
Fun and Educational Toys.
Super strength rattling magnets
Toss the smooth fun magnets into the air
Hear their buzz as they descend
Toss these sleek buzzing magnets straight up in the air, see them clash and hear them a buzz! Torpedo magnets are tactile and incredibly addictive!
In every pack come two sleek 6cm metallic bullets for you to experiment with.
A pair of polished hematite Torpedo-magnets in a blister pack. Each magnet is approx. 6cm long.
Recommended Age
Age: 5 +
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