• March 19, 2025

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How to use W335 Models Electronic Circuit ?

How to use W335 Models Electronic Circuit ? The W335 was an amazing experience to play with as it had many fun activities and I could experiment with each of the pieces. The W335 is a circuit-making set in which there are plastic/metal pieces that can be clipped together to create different.

5 Amazing Facts About Dinosaurs, the prehistoric animals!

Dinosaurs were probably the most exciting species to have lived on earth, centuries ago. Gigantic, fearsome and wanderers by nature, some even had feathers which meant they could fly too. Unfortunately, they went extinct 65 million years ago due to unknown reasons. Today, we are going to talk about the 5 most.

Let Us Learn About Environment…

What is Environment? All the physical surroundings on Earth are called Environment. Air, soil, water, plants, and animals make up the environment. The environment includes living and nonliving part. Main Parts of Environment: The Atmosphere:Is the layer of nitrogen, oxygen and other gases that surrounds the earth. The Hydrosphere: All the oceans.

How are clouds formed ?

INTRODUCTION Clouds are made of water droplets or ice crystals that are so small and light that they are able to stay in the air. But how does the water and ice that makes up clouds get into the sky? And how are different types of clouds formed? The water or ice.


What is Tornado? Tornadoes are one of the most powerful and violent natural calamities on earth. They are usually in funnel shape which is due to very fast rotating column of air. They are very dangerous as their high-speed winds can break apart buildings, knock down trees into the air. Types of.

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