Geography Quiz 20 - Switched on kids

Welcome to the Geography Quiz 20

Why do we learn Geography ? I guess, because it helps us to understand the places, and the relationship of people with its environment. Also did you ever try to find out how the Geography word was formed. Well, here is the answer – The word geography can be broken into the two basic elements of “GEO” and “GRAPHY.” Geo comes from the Greek word for Earth (the word Gaea, also meaning earth, derives from the Greek as well). The “ography” part comes from the Greek word graphein, which is literally to write about something. How well do you know about places, environment and our connect with it ? Learn more with our educational toys and STEM toys.

 Geography Quiz
Geography Quiz 20

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 15 seconds per question. Are you ready?


How are humans making greenhouse gases of our own?

Correct! Wrong!

This layer keeps us not too hot in the summer and not too cold in the winter. Scientists call this the ________

Correct! Wrong!

The solar energy that warms the Earth includes visible light, infrared and _____ coming from the sun.

Correct! Wrong!

The solar radiation that bounces off the Earth back toward the atmosphere is mostly _____ (with a longer wavelength)

Correct! Wrong!

Things you can do to help decrease global warming include:

Correct! Wrong!

Earths temperatures are stable because we are surrounded by ________ which allows the right amount of sunlight in to warm the Earth

Correct! Wrong!

Something that might happen because of global warming is

Correct! Wrong!

Too many greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere may block heat from escaping into space and trap too much heat next to the Earth's surface

Correct! Wrong!

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