About internal combustion engine - Switched on kids

What is internal combustion engine?

An internal combustion engine is an engine in which combustion or the burning of fuel occurs on the inside. It is a machine that makes large pressure increases inside a sealed box (cylinder). The pressure increases pushes a rod which is attached to a wheel. The rod pushes the wheel and makes it spin around. The spinning wheel is attached to other wheels, such as four car wheels, with a belt or a chain. The engine is very strong and can make all the wheels move.

Engines need oil to make them slippery or the moving parts would grind together and stick. Parts of a car engine are measured to 0.01 of a millimeter and some engine parts fit together very tightly.

Internal differs from external combustion where the fire is outside the engine, such as a steam engine.

Most road vehicles use the internal combustion engine today and most of those use the four-stroke engine. Rocket and jet engines are combustion engines but they do not turn wheels. The fire in a rocket combustion engine is so strong that it blows a mighty wind out the back, which pushes the rocker forward. Another type of internal combustion engine is the WankelEngine.

Fun facts about internal combustion engines:

  1. Cars have more than just one piston and valve. The more pistons, the more power.
  2. A canon is a very simple type of combustion engine. The cannonball is packed into the cannon, along with gun powder. When the gun powder is lit, it creates hot gases and pressure. The pressure causes the cannonball to blow out of the cannon at 200 miles per hour.
  3. As air moves into the engine, it goes through an air filter that gets rid of dirt and dust.
  4. A spark plug lights the gas on fire so it moves the pistons.
  5. There is no oxygen or air in space so rocket have an air tank next to the fuel tank.


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