How to make time for your children? - Switched on kids

How to make time for your children?

Category: Brain games

While it is true that there is no single definition or correct method of good parenting, a few parenting tips could go a long way in ensuring the happiness of your child. Let’s take a look at few guidelines that help us on raising children.

Tip #1 : Recognize The Privilege

It is a privilege that this child- this bundle of joy- has come through you and arrived in your house. Children are not your property; they do not belong to you. Just see how to enjoy, nurture, and support them. Don’t try to make them an investment for your future.

Tip #2 : Let Them Be

Let them become whatever they have to become. Don’t try to mold them according to your understanding of life. Your child need not do what you did in your life. Your child should do something that you did not even dare to think in your life. Only then will the world progress.

Tip #3 : Give Them True Love

People misunderstand that loving their children is to cater to whatever they ask for. If you get them everything they ask for, it is stupidity, isn’t? When you truly love someone, you are willing to be unpopular and still do what is best for him.

Tip #4: Don’t Rush Them In to Growing Up

It is very important a child remains a child; there is no hurry to make him into an adult because you can’t reverse it later. When he is a child and he behaves like a child, it’s wonderful. When he becomes an adult and behaves like a child, that’s bad. There is no hurry for a child to become an adult.

Tip #5: Make It A Time To Learn, Not To Teach

What do you know about life to teach your children? A few survival tricks are the only things you can teach. Please compare yourself with your child and see who is capable of more joy?  Your child, isn’t it? If he knows more joy than you, who is betterqualified to be a consultant about life, you or him?

When a child comes, it’s time to learn, not teach. When a child comes, unknowingly you laugh, play, sing, crawl under the sofa, and do all those things that you had forgotten to do. So it is time to learn about life.

If you are genuinely interested in giving your children a good upbringing, you should first transform yourself into a peaceful and loving human being…

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