ELC – Weighing Scales: Weighing Scales that can help to weigh up simple sums. When the scales balance the answer is correct. Store the numbers in the base.
Work out sums and all about balance with this fun set.
Add a number to one side and then work out the sum: for example, if you add a 10 to the left side of the scale and then add a 7 and 3 to the right-hand side the scale will balance to show you have the correct answer.
Great for early numeracy skills.
Includes two sets of numbers from 1 to 6 and 1 set of numbers from 7 to 10.
Place a number on one side of the scale and try and make them balance by adding the number to the other side which adds up to the correct amount. If you add the wrong sum then a red cross will show.
Recommended Age
Learning toys for age 1-9 year olds
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