Potato Powered Clock Kit Brain Games for Kids - Switched on kids

Potato Powered Clock Kit


The Potato Powered Clock Kit lets you generate enough electricity to run a digital clock using common potatoes! This fascinating chemical experiment demonstrates how fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, lemons, and apples can produce power. A fun and educational kit that teaches young learners about electricity, chemical reactions, and renewable energy through hands-on experimentation!

Brand: TechBrands

4 in stock

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SKU: KJ8937 UPC: 9319236266069 Categories: , , , , , , ,



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Chemistry science quiz 19

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Potato Powered Clock Kit: You can generate enough electricity to run a digital clock by plugging electrodes into common potatoes! An amazing chemical experiment that also works with tomatoes, lemons, apples – even soft drinks or beer!


Can you really make a clockwork using something other than batteries? Of course, with the help of this cool kit! Use the digital clock with wires, pots, connecting wire, transparent tapes, copper and zinc strips, and detailed instructions included to create a real working digital clock powered by potatoes! Experiment with other food and drinks.


Number the potatoes “1” and “2” with a marker.


Insert a galvanized nail in each potato.


Insert a copper wire into each potato, positioning them as far a possible from the nails.


Connect an alligator clip lead between the copper wire in potato 1 and the plus (+) terminal of the clock’s battery compartment. Don’t let the alligator clip touch any other metal parts in the compartment.


Connect another alligator clip lead between the copper wire in potato 2 and the minus (-) terminal of the clock’s battery compartment. Use the same precaution as in Step 5.


Connect the remaining alligator clip lead between the nail in potato 1 and the copper wire in potato 2


Set the clock and have a great time!


All parts (except fruit/veg) supplied including:


Highly accurate digital clock module


Metal electrodes, wire


Instructions and fluid beakers


Perfectly safe for children and highly educational. (Do not eat fruit/veg after using as batteries)


Recommended Age

Age: 10+

Weight 0.11 kg


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4 Items $258.00