Ugears Dynamometer Brain Games for Kids - Switched on kids

Ugears Dynamometer

Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $47.95.

UGEARS Dynamometer uses the same principles as the Pneumatic Engine, but has a game element incorporated into its design. In order to make the system come to life, all you have to do is blow on the top gear! Dependent on the amount of air pressure you add to the system, the arrow will spin and land on any of the eight pictures.

Brand: Ugears

3 in stock

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Ugears Dynamometer: the same principles as the Pneumatic Engine, but has a game element incorporated into its design. In order to make the system come to life, all you have to do is blow on the top gear! Dependent on the amount of air pressure you add to the system, the arrow will spin and land on any of the eight pictures. Unsure of what to do at home? Let the Dynamometer decide for you! This is one of our simplest models to build, so it is a great set for a beginner – it demonstrates the intricacy of mechanics, putting emphasis on its Geneva Driver, whilst also providing a fun game once the build is done.


Ugears has created this 3D puzzle with great care and perfection. It is made of attractive, high-quality wooden material. All parts are pre-cut into plywood boards and are easily removed for assembly.


UGears Dynamometer is a dynamic and unique model. It operates using the pneumatic principle by making use of air to wow the user. This UGears model operates by transforming air pressure into motion. When you blow onto the top gear a system of lever spins the wheel of the arrow. One interesting thing about this model is that it can be used as a game between your family and your visitors. You blow on top of the gear and the arrow spins and comes to rest on a particular task that the blower will be asked to perform. It is a good educational model.


The Dynamometer is one of the simplest UGears models, however, it shows many basic principles of mechanics, including the cascade of gears and the mechanical junction known as the Geneva drive. It is crafted from high-quality plywood boards, using precision-cut parts. The whole model is just 48 units and it can be assembled in 1-2 hours following the detailed instruction manual.


They also contribute to developing logical thinking, enhancing attention and concentration skills as well as improving attention to detail skills. We supply schools, learning stores, and homeschool coops. Our focus is toys with an educational component. Our mission is to show that learning is fun and that expanding the mind is the greatest gift one can share.


UGears Dynamometer designs are inspired by real-life mechanisms. If you have trouble deciding what to do with your day then the Dynamometer is just the machine for you. Similar to our Pneumatic Engine, this model operates by turning air pressure into motion. The difference is that this model will give direction to your otherwise aimless day. Blow on the top gear to set the mechanism in motion. The air pressure you apply spins the arrow until it lands on your task for the day. Now get to it!


The Dynamometer is one of the simplest UGEARS models but at the same time, it demonstrates several basic principles of mechanics, including the cascade of gears and the mechanical junction known as the Geneva drive.


Recommended Age

Toys for Age: 10+



Weight 0.26 kg


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